
Designing energetics and construction projects

We are supplying complex designing services, including 3D visualisations. Our specializations are:

  • Designing energetic parts of power plants, electrotechnical testing institutes, transformer stations and substations LV, HV and UHV
  • Designing control systems and protection systems of industrial buildings in energetics
  • Design of low-voltage data switchboards, implementation of third-party devices
  • Creation of project documentation for contractor selection

Creating documentation is made by advanced software applications like AUTOCAD, RUPLAN, SolidWorks for 3D designing, Microsoft Project and Microsoft Office

We are also capable of providing:


  • Documentation for zoning and building permission
  • Documentation of implementation
  • Supervision of construction / building
  • Final state documentation


Pro projekční práce máme vlastní pobočku v Jičíně, složenou z odborně způsobilých projektantů elektro - viz kontakt

For our design works we have special designing department, situated in Jičín town - check contacts

Informations about our biggest designing projects can be seen in section REFERENCES.